The Nakamoto Portfolio Gauntlet

The Nakamoto Portfolio Gauntlet is a monthly show that explores the impact of integrating Bitcoin into established hedge funds, pension funds, and other investment portfolios.

Wisconsin Public PensionEpisode 2

On the second episode of the Nakamoto Portfolio Gauntlet, we highlight the Wisconsin Retirement Fund, the 8th largest public pension fund in the US with 142 Billion dollars in net assets.

Wisconsin Public PensionAllocation

Recommendation DateSeptember 5th, 2023

Target Bitcoin Allocation1% - 3%
Suggested Bitcoin Allocation2%
Initial Bitcoin Price$25,764
Current Bitcoin Price$87,720
Change 240.48%

Ontario Teachers Pension FundEpisode 1

In the pilot episode of the Nakamoto Portfolio Gauntlet, the spotlight is on the Ontario Teachers Pension Fund. With a net asset value of $247.2 billion and over 336,000 working members and pensioners, the fund serves as an ideal candidate for exploring the potential impact of Bitcoin allocation.

Ontario Teachers Pension FundAllocation

Recommendation DateJune 26th, 2023

Target Bitcoin Allocation1% - 3%
Suggested Bitcoin Allocation2%
Initial Bitcoin Price$30,250
Current Bitcoin Price$87,720
Change 189.98%

  Please note that the analytics and performance are based on the target allocation as of April, 2023. The fund's performance may deviate significantly from the target allocation depending on their effective allocation and asset choices.
For the purposes of this analysis we used their suggested benchmarks or similar proxies.
Source: Ontario Teachers Pension Fund Investment Policy

Disclaimer: Please note that all allocations in this page are fictional and not intended as investment advice. Fund portfolios may differ significantly from their actual allocation.